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Mission Focus
Helping God's People Live More Passionate and Purposeful Lives,
By Increasing Their Awareness of Their Divine Design,
and Providing Real Opportunities for them to Grow Their Gifts.
Your Time Has Arrived! 

Coaching Services
Discerning The Best Choice
"God's Will"
We are constantly faced with decisions and choices, some more important than others. As a Coach, I walk you through the process of choosing by listening, asking questions, and applying Scripture.
Maneuvering Change
"God's Way"
Change is hard. Whether it is trying to change an unwanted habit, challenges we face on our job, or trying desperately to change some behavior, as your Coach, I become your accountability partner who helps you get over the hurdles and achieve your goals.
Divine Design
"God's Purpose"
Divine Design is a service that will help you understand your purpose in life by increasing your awareness of how you are designed; e.g., skills, natural talents, and passions.

Diana D. Williams
Graduate Certified Coach
Spiritual Clarity
Sometimes, we can be so busy, it's difficult to figure out what God is saying to us or doing in our lives. It is hard to stop and listen.
As a Spiritual Coach, I use deep listening, which means I focus completely on you and your situation in a totally nonjudgmental way. I then ask good questions to help you figure things out.
Sometimes, all we need is someone to listen; and that listening ear helps us get the clarity we need and want.