Calvary Began in the Wilderness

The victory that Jesus won at Calvary was possible because of his victory in the wilderness at the very beginning of his ministry.

He victory over Satan in the wilderness was won by renouncing and rejecting the lures of the flesh and world.   That victory was accomplished not by his own words, but by declaring the Word of God.

Of course, he was Jesus, and we're not.  So how do we as mere humans reject the lures of the flesh and world?  Let's face it, we like things.   So how do we change what we value and like?

We can’t, but he can.  When we give him our heart, he empowers us to desire what he desires.  The key is giving him our heart.

This is not an easy thing to do.  But when we understand the true value of what Jesus did at Calvary, it puts our dilemma in a posture that we can more easily manage.

Jesus has a right to rule our lives because He owns them.   Our sin separated us from the Father.  Jesus’ blood reunites us with the Father.

When we allow him to have what rightfully belongs to him, he empowers us to change what we value most.  The will of the Father becomes more important to us than anything else.  And when this transformation occurs, we have the ability to renounce and reject the world and our flesh, regardless of how tight it may hold us.


The Key?   Give Jesus your heart.

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